EULawSD Joins Final Conference of the BeSEC Jean Monnet Project

The academic staff of the Jean Monnet Module in European Union Law and Sustainable Development (EULawSD) is pleased to announce that the final conference of the Jean Monnet Project on ‘Boosting European Security Law and Policy (BeSEC)‘ will take place on Google Meet from 18 to 20 June 2020, hosted by the Department of Law of the University of Siena.

In what is an important example of cooperation and networking between Jean Monnet activities, the EULawSD module has partnered with the BeSEC project, which is coordinated by Professor Marco Ventura, ever since its inception. The EULawSD staff has also contributed to the organisation of this final conference, and will be present in forces during its sessions.

Professor Riccardo Pavoni and Professor Alessandro Palmieri have been part of the conference’s Scientific/Organising Committee, and will be in charge of the general conclusions at the end of the closing session of the conference. Professor Pavoni will also chair the first session on 18 June, which will feature keynote addresses by leading scholars such as Jan Wouters, Pavel Sturma, Roberto Pardolesi and fellow EULawSD team member Federico Lenzerini (the theme of Lenzerini’s address will be ‘The Common European Asylum System: Recent Challenges and (Still) Unresolved Problems’).

To join the virtual conference, it is still possible to send a request to the Secretariat of the Conference via Isabella Masè ( or Giammaria Milani (

To read more about the conference, visit the news item on the website of the University of Siena or the official page of the BeSEC project. You can also download the agenda of the conference here.

EULawSD team to join online event on protection of COVID-19 ‘victims’ in international and EU law

On May 26th, the academic coordinator of the Jean Monnet Module in EU Law and Sustainable and Development Riccardo Pavoni, together with fellow EULawSD team member Patrizia Vigni, will join an online event organised by the Università degli Studi di Siena as part of its ‘Virtual Studium‘ series.

The interview will discuss how international and EU Law can help protect ‘victims’ of COVID-19, including relatives of deceased persons, people who are or have been sick due to COVID-19, persons displaced by COVID-19, persons who have become unemployed due to COVID-19, and companies which have been obliged to close down and/or have suffered economic losses due to the pandemic. 

The event will be broadcast on the University’s Facebook page (@unisiena) starting from 18.30/6.30pm CEST. To learn more, see

Riccardo Pavoni to Hold ELSA Italy’s Webinar on the European Parliament


The EULawSD staff is pleased to announce that on Tuesday, April 7th (11am CEST time) our coordinator Riccardo Pavoni will hold a webinar on the powers and functioning of the European Parliament in the context of ‘ELSA Italy for European Constitution‘. The initiative constitutes the first International Open Legislation simulation hosted by the Italian branch of ELSA, the European Law Students’ Association.

During the webinar, Riccardo will also discuss the role and actions taken by the European Parliament to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed by the United Nations in September 2015 and more broadly promote sustainable development in the European Union and beyond.

To register or learn more about the webinar, which is open to all ELSA Members, visit

More information on ‘ELSA Italy for European Constitution’ is also available on ELSA Italy’s website here:


Closing of the 16th University of Eastern Finland / UN Environment Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements

2019 Group Photo MEA Course

After two weeks of intensive lectures and negotiating exercises, the 16th edition of the Course on Multilateral Agreements Agreements will come to its conclusion on October 24th, 2019 with a closing event in the Aula Magna of the University of Siena Department of Law. The course, which was co-organised by the UN Environment Programme (UN Environment), the University of Eastern Finland, the Department of Law of the University of Siena and the Jean Monnet Module in European Union Law and Sustainable Development, convened this year under the theme ‘Emerging Issues in International Environmental Law‘.

For 10 days, 35 between diplomats, government officials and NGO representatives attended lectures, videoconferences and roundtables focusing on a broad range of ‘hot’ topics in multilateral environmental negotiations, ranging from the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and the protection of marine biodiversity to the regulation of geo-engineering, chemicals and short-lived climate pollutants.

In addition, the participants were provided with key negotiating skills and eventually engaged in a simulation of negotiations relating to the governance of biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, mirroring the actual negotiations that are currently ongoing under the auspices of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The academic staff of the EULawSD module is grateful for the opportunity it had to co-host the course and would like to congratulate all the participants upon their expertise and engagement. The staff also extends its congratulations to organisers from UN Environment and the University of Eastern Finland for the overwhelming success of the initiative.

To read more about the 16th edition of the MEA Course, visit

EULawSD Coordinator Joins UFMG’s Winter Course

Screenshot 2019-07-01 at 18.23.17

We are happy to announce that EULawSD academic coordinator Riccardo Pavoni has been invited as a lecturer of the 15th International Law Winter Course of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), which is organised by the Centro de Estudos em Direito e Negócios (CEDIN) and will take place from July 8 to 19 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

In his lectures, Prof Pavoni will teach International Legal Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage in Armed Conflict. This is an important opportunity to expand EULawSD’s research network with a prestigious academic collaboration, which will foster debate on the role of international law in promoting peaceful, inclusive and sustainable post-conflict societies through the protection of the world’s natural and cultural heritage. In addition, the topic presents crucial linkages with a number of issues addressed by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, ranging from the relationship between Goals 15 (Life on Land) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) to the explicit provision on natural and cultural heritage contained in target 11.4.

EULawSD announces collaboration with UEF/UN Environment Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements


The staff of the Jean Monnet Module in European Union Law and Sustainable Development (EULawSD) is proud to announce a new collaboration with the prestigious University of Eastern Finland / United Nations Environment Course on Multilateral Environmental Agreements.

Pursuant to the agreement reached between EULawSD and UEF, the EULawSD Module (with the support of the University of Siena and its Department of Law) will co-organize the 2019 edition of the course, which will be themed ‘Emerging Issues in International Environmental Law‘ and will take place in Siena from 14 to 24 October 2019. The two-week, high-profile course is entering its 16th year, having welcomed over 400 participants from 122 countries since 2004. It reaches Italy for the first time, having been previously hosted in Finland (eight times), South Africa (twice), Kenya, Grenada, France, China and Thailand.

The ultimate aim of the UEF/UN Environment course is to improve environmental negotiation capacity and governance worldwide by transferring past experiences in the field of international environmental law to future negotiators of environmental agreements. In addition, the course aims to provide a forum to foster North-South cooperation and to take stock of recent developments in the negotiation and implementation of multilateral environmental agreements and in diplomatic practices in the field.

Each edition concentrates on one specific theme under international environmental law. Through interactive lectures, workshops, and excursions, the course equips participants with basic skills in international environmental law-making, diplomacy and negotiations related to that specific thematic area. It is intended for experienced government officials engaged in international environmental negotiations, but other stakeholders (such as representatives of NGOs and the private sector, researchers and academics in the field of international environmental law) are also eligible.

We are honoured of this opportunity to work with the University of Eastern Finland and UN Environment. This collaboration will further EULawSD’s objective of establishing new partnerships and networks focused on the teaching and study of international and European law for sustainable development. We wish to express our gratitude to the Finnish colleagues for giving our JM Module this high-profile opportunity for expanding its activities and worldwide impact.

In order to learn more about the course and apply, visit

UNAB celebrates the visiting professorship of EULawSD’s Riccardo Pavoni

Tertulia 11.2.2019

Following his recent visiting professorship, the Universidad Autonoma de Bucaramanga (UNAB) has taken time to acknowledge the contribution of EULawSD academic coordinator Riccardo Pavoni in advancing the teaching of sustainable development in international and EU law at the Colombian institution.

In an article on its website, UNAB quoted Prof Pavoni as saying that ‘institutions need to design public policies that take all three pillars of sustainable development into account,’ and particularly make sure that economic policies always ‘incorporate principles, actions and provisions on environmental protection,’ thus reflecting the integrated vision contained in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in September 2015.

The full web article (in Spanish) is available below.

El docente de derecho internacional y europeo, además de ser coordinador de Erasmus +, Riccardo Pavoni, visitó la UNAB como parte de las actividades de intercambio entre esta institución y dicho programa de la Unión Europea, que tiene como fin brindar apoyo a la educación, formación, juventud y deporte en ese continente.

En su ponencia sobre el principio del desarrollo sostenible en el derecho internacional y el derecho europeo, Pavoni explicó que hay que conciliar el desarrollo económico con la protección del medio ambiente, y para ello es importante que se encuentre el equilibrio entre tres pilares: ecológico, social y económico.

“Las instituciones tienen que proporcionar políticas públicas, medidas que tengan en cuenta todos los pilares, no solamente de manera destacada, el pilar económico y no el ambiental, por ejemplo. Si hay una medida o una ley que conserve la economía o el mercado, esta ley económica tiene que integrar principios, medidas y disposiciones de protección ambiental”, señaló.

Asimismo, habló sobre los 17 Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), los cuales, según él, si se implementan de manera integrada y no destacada, serán un gran éxito para la humanidad.

Pavoni destacó también el papel fundamental de las universidades en este proceso. “Es claro que es un desarrollo sostenible global que se debe hacer a nivel local. Si no hay un nivel local que implemente los objetivos, no podemos ver el impacto global. Desde las universidades se puede hacer mucho en materia de desafíos. Hay muchas acciones prácticas, pequeñas, que sumadas pueden conducir a un desarrollo sostenible”, indicó.

Desde 2018, la UNAB es una de las 49 instituciones educativas que hace parte del Pacto Mundial de Naciones Unidas que promueve principios para lograr el desarrollo sostenible y el cumplimiento de los ODS.

UNAB Tertulia 11.2-2019